Our Affiliations


St John’s Ambulance

RPYL are delighted to announce from the start of the 2019/20 season the league will be supported on Saturday’s by St Johns Ambulance (SJA). SJA will provide 2 first aiders each Saturday to give treatment to any players who require this.

As many of you will know, when an incident occurs there is often a large delay to players receiving medical attention via an ambulance, so this will ensure players receive any medical attention they require, as quickly as possible. The leagues number one priority is the safety of its participants and as a result we have decided to offer this service to our clubs.

First aid of players will still primarily be the coaches responsibility and clubs should not abuse this service just because it is available, however in occasions when serious injuries occur or you would like further advice, SJA will be on hand to help. All first aiders are CRB checked.